Pricing & FAQ


Courses range between

$50- $100 USD depending on course content and contact hours

Major Credit Cards Accepted

Contact Craig at:

Facilities/ Organizations

Purchase a closed course for your group with the option of a live Q & A zoom meeting with Dr. Warren

Contact Craig at:

Faculty Members in Professional Entry Level OT Programs

Some courses are available free of charge to use to augment your adult rehabilitation courses

Contact Dr. Warren at:

Have Any Questions?


  • The course is divided into short lessons that focus on a single topic.
  • You progress through the lessons in order.
  • Each lesson includes a recorded power point lecture that resides in the cloud and accessed on demand (24/7) via a link. You can re-listen to the lectures as much as desired while completing the course.
  • The lessons are approximately 20-40 minutes long to reduce listener fatigue and allow you to complete a topic during available breaks in the day.
  • All lessons include a downloadable copy of the power point lecture printed in a two or three slide per page format for taking notes.
  • Each lesson concludes with a short multiple-choice self-assessment quiz. You must complete the quiz before moving onto the next lesson.
  • A certificate of completion is automatically released when you submit the quiz for the final lesson. The certificate contains the information required by most licensure boards.
  • The course concludes when the certificate is released and the lecture links are inactivated.

Yes, the recorded lectures, print materials and quizzes are in English. We do not have the capability to translate courses.

  1. Select the Courses tab on the upper toolbar.
  2. Scroll down the available courses and click on the course title you want to take.
  3. The page will show the course title, your current status and the course price.
  4. Click on the green Take this Course
  5. Select individual or group (if you select group enter the group name) and then click on the green Add to Cart button
  1. Click on the cart button.
  2. Apply a coupon if you have one.
  3. Proceed to checkout and fill out the required information.
  4.  Make a note of your username and password.
  5. Click on the place order button.
  6.  A Checkout screen will be displayed. You might want to print this page.

You will receive two emails after you register and pay for the course. The first email welcomes you to visAbilities using your username. The second email acknowledges that you have paid for the course. This email provides a Click Here button to log-in. After you log-in click on the Course Title to enter the course.

On the course page, scroll down to the section: Follow These Steps to Begin the Lesson (and follow these 3 steps)

  1. Each lesson contains a recorded lecture, downloadable handouts including a pdf of the powerpoint lecture in a 3 slide per page format for you to take notes. Click on the Materials button to access these items.
  2. Each lesson also contains a short quiz comprised of 2-5 multiple choice questions to help you assess what you learned from the lesson. Be sure to complete the quiz before you leave the lesson.
  3. Before you go any further click on the Materials button and listen to the Course Overview recorded lecture for more information about the course organization and requirements

First check your spam folder. If you can’t find an email from visAbilities there, contact Craig at to work out the issue.

Yes, you can enroll in more than one course at a time. Evaluation and Intervention for Visual Processing Deficits in Adults Following Stoke and TBI is recommended as a good first course for persons who want to address most types of vision impairment.

Please contact Craig at to work out the issue.

We can accept a check or purchase order in US dollars (USD). Please contact Craig at to work out the payment.

Yes, the price of the course is discounted based on the number of participants in a group. If you are interested in a group taking the course together, please contact Craig at to work out the payment.

The course certificate downloads automatically after you successfully complete the final lesson quizzes. The course certificate should contain all of the information needed to meet your state licensure requirements including: course title, instructor, the contact hours, a description of the course, learning objectives, and my bio.

No, as a mom-and-pop organization we can’t afford the yearly fees and oversight required for the AOTA or state approval programs. Your course certificate should contain the information needed to meet your state licensure requirements including: course title, instructor, the contact hours, a description of the course, learning objectives, and my bio. As a retired professor of occupational therapy, I have the academic training to create these courses and taught this information on a graduate level for 20 years. The courses are taught from the OT perspective using the AOTA Practice Framework. Most of our students have not experienced any difficulties but I can’t guarantee a state license board will accept a course. If you are worried, I suggest that you send a query to your state licensure board and ask if they accept only AOTA approved courses or have other restrictions before you sign up for the course. If your state board requires further documentation to accept the course, email us and I will help you provide the information you need.